Links & Reads
Ulster County
Chabad Lubavitch of Ulster County
Congregation Ezrath Israel
Jewish Congregation of New Paltz
Ulster County Jewish Federation
New York Links
Yivo Institute for Jewish Research
U.S. Links
Jewish Virtual Library
Israel/International Links
B'nai B'rith
JNF Jewish National Fund/Plant a Tree
Kid's Links
The Jewish Children's Learning Network
Torah Tots Good Reads
*Veteran 'Wonder Woman' artist adapts her father's Yiddish tales
*Jewish Weddings in Uganda
*I thought I knew how my family escaped the Holocaust. The truth was hidden in a Dominican town
Ethiopian Miss Israel touts causes
Pirkei Avot: A Modern Commentary by Leonard Kravitz and Kerry Olitsky (Liberal commentary with essays and gleanings from the text)
Sage Advise: Pirkei Avot by Rabbi Irving (Yitz) Greenberg (Open/Modern Orthodox scholar of the 20-21C)
Pirkei Avot: Lev Shalem by Rabbi’s Gordon Tucker and Tamar Elad-Appelbaum (Conservative/Mesorti Rabbis bring a scholarly, historic and mystical commentary)